Dear AGMA Supporters, We are thrilled to your overwhelming response to our series of C-19 PIANO STUDENTS RECITALS and appreciate your enthusiasm in preparation for this event including students, teachers, parents and guardians. These four concerts will take place on the popular social media platform ZOOM during the month of July, 2020. The dates for both, Junior and Adult amateur pianists are as follows:
Junior Pianists (16 years and under) ● Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 7 PM (beginners up to Grade 3 level) ● Tuesday 7th July 2020 at 7 PM (intermediate up to Grade 5 level) ● Tuesday 14th July 2020 at 7 PM (early advanced up to grade 8 level and above)
Adult Pianists (17 years and above) ● Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 7 PM (any level) All applicants will be notified by personal email about the programme, the date of their performance, and Zoom invitations will be sent well in advance. Performers will be able to share the invitation link with friends and family who want to join as an audience. In addition, independent listeners and other audience are also very welcome! They can join by applying by email at:
* Please note to experience better sound and visual quality of performance on Zoom, the Listeners might be asked to switch off their cameras during the playing.
Around the Globe Music & Arts will be much grateful for your support and donations for our educational and organisational work, including putting together a series of C-19 PIANO STUDENTS RECITALS on the virtual concert platform. In these uncertain and challenging times, your sustenance is essential for our organisation to keep going forward into supporting the idea of the musical educational enrichment through arranging affordable piano festivals, competitions, concerts as well as music magazines and regular AGMA newsletters. Despite the difficulties, we are determined to keep music culture alive, especially the flourishing of contemporary piano music from around the world, which we are eager to introduce to all our supporters and musicians of a different spectrum.
If you would like to make donation please contact us by email:
Extract from the article About Zhanetta Metallidi and ‘Beloved Tales’ Piano Duet by Alla Levit- Anderson

Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi (1 June 1934 — 7 June 2019) was a Russian Soviet composer and music educator. Originally from St Petersburg, Zhanetta Metallidi is widely known as she devoted her life to Children’s Music.
The creation of Metallidi became the inalienable part of Russian Culture. Although her serious chamber music works, vocal music, instrumental concerts (flute, violin, trumpet) and symphonies achieved top reviews, Metallidi’s music for children and about the children, is and still will be the most adored, most often performed and famous. Imaginative, energetic and lyrical with bright melodies, contemporary romantic music of Metallidi belongs in the same line of great Russian composers such as Stravinsky and Prokofiev…
The most important part of the constitute folk fairy tales, fantasies, literature heroes, games, adventures, impressions that left from seen during journeys and introductions of art. Metallidi’s artistic heritage includes children’s musical fairy tales – operas Teremok, North Story, Chicken Ryaba, Kolobok and piano suits such as The House with the Bell, Musical Surprise, The Gold Ring of Russia, Hermitage’s Sketches and Forest Fairy Tale…

She also devoted a lot of attention to creating music for piano ensembles. The Beloved Tales piano duet is one of her last and best composition arranged for four hands. The work is based on the most popular characters from the Russian fairy tales. These include Ivan the Fool, Baba Jaga, Princess, The Little Humpbacked Horse and in the final part A Feast for the Whole World, Metallidi has recreated the colourful timbres of the Russian folk musical instruments (balalaika, horn)… Bright, imaginative characters, the mastery technical effects, lyrical, beautiful melodies and emotional content, opens up a lot of opportunities and, it enriches the repertoire of many concert pianists.

Ivan the Fool The first piece of this great piano suite is Ivan the Fool(‘Ivan-Durak’), which portrays an image of a favourite character from the Russian fairy tale through bright musical expressions. On the surface, Ivan the Fool is shown as very lazy, slow way thinking and inactive person. He likes to lie on the bench or the Russian stove (‘pechka’), and enjoys doing nothing. Occasionally, he entertains himself by playing the accordion (‘garmoshka’ in Russian) and ‘balalaika’ – a traditional Russian folk musical instrument.
The music reflects Ivan’s thoughts and movements through a slower tempo, where we can clearly hear the sound impressions of these native Russian instruments. However, on the surface view of Ivan’s character, there is the hidden secret about his true potential! In effect, it is emerging that he is – the best, the cleverest, the hard-working, and energetic winner in all problematic situations and competitions. “Slow and steady wins the rush” is the phrase which truly represents Ivan the Fool.

The Little Humpbacked Horse The second piece The Little Humpbacked Horse is sharply contrasting with the previous one. The fast tempo, virtuoso elements, strong accents and jumps in the texture establish another beloved character…

Baba Yaga The music of the third piece is the bright picture of a frightening Russian witch, with her unaltered attributes as a bone leg, broom and a furious mood. Metallidi put a lot of interesting effects in the texture of this piece like sharp dissonance, the changeable time signature and even the real imitation of the noise-producing Baba-Yaga’s false bone leg…
The Princess in the Dungeon This piece is composed in a three-part form with a contrasted content in the middle part, which is the most lyrical in the whole suite. The image of the beautiful Russian fairy-tale princess, who is suffering from being hidden in the dark dungeon – far away from her family and all people, is presented by melancholic and beautiful melodies and heart-warming harmonies.
A Feast for the Whole World The cheerful and colourful music of the final piece of the suite draws a real atmosphere of a Russian royal wedding feast… By using the imitation of the sounds of Russian medieval block flutes and balalaikas in this part, Metallidi continues the same line as Fyodor Stravinsky with his famous Petrushka, where similar musical ideas are so masterly presented.
Listen to Ivan the Fool and Little Humpback Horse performed by Darina Piano Duo via YouTube link:
The link where it is possible to buy Metallidi’s piano suite Beloved Tales: