We want to invite you to the piano concert Musical Colours of the Rainbow, which presents an exciting and innovative introduction to Contemporary Classical piano music, with a programme of composers from around the world and the UK that perhaps are less well known in the British piano music scene.
Around the Globe Concert Series
WHEN: Saturday 18th June 2022, 8pm
WHERE: St Cuthbert’s Church 50 Philbeach Gardens, Earl’s Court, London SW5 9EB
TICKETS: £20 / Conc. £15 (students & OAP) / Children under 12 y/o – FREE!
You can make bookings by emailing us with a request to: agpianomusicfestival@gmail.com Or online via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/agma-piano-concert-series-musical-colours-of-the-rainbow-tickets-341843231307 Or buy at the door.
Mónica Cárdenas – composer and pianist
The Peruvian-Spanish composer and pianist Mónica Cárdenas’s exciting works are rich in Spanish harmonies and melodies fused with a myriad of African rhythms, thus bringing out her vibrant and unique style. She will play pieces from her latest piano solo album, 10 Preludes and Fugues of Latin America, and the cello piece Chaos with Alexa K Palmer-Campiglia.
The Darina Piano Duo
The acclaimed The Darina Piano Duo, of Antonina Koleva-Lax and Alla Levit, will follow with a performance of compositions featuring many musical genres, from Minimalism to Neo-Romantics and more. Their inspiring repertoire features the works of many women composers, such as Melanie Spanswick, Vera Milankovich, Heather Hammond, Lindsey Berwin and Zhanneta Metallidi, as well as Edward Germanand Valery Gavrilin.
The concert is part of the Around the Globe Music and Arts Concert Series, whose aim is to assist and promote emerging pianists and composers from diverse cultural and social backgrounds by introducing a wider audience to an appreciation of the late 20th/21st century Contemporary Classical and Jazz piano music.
* Many thanks to Markson Pianos for sponsoring the brilliant Yamaha Grand Piano for this concert!
More info on Markson Pianos showrooms and services at: www.marksonpianos.com
There is still time to apply for the Second Young Musicologist AGMA Competition 2022 for a well-written article on modern composers and their piano works written after 1970, including different Contemporary Classical and Jazz styles.
It is open to junior students up to 18 years of age to raise and develop their musical writing to a higher educational level. There are TWO categories, including pupils who are 14 years old and under and 18 years and under. The winners’ articles will be published on AGMA’s website and in this year’s Newsletters.

Our prizes also include three volumes of ‘Women Composers Anthology’, exceptional piano books by Melanie Spanswick, courtesy of Schott music publisher.
The deadline for the article submission is 3rd June 2022, 23.00 BST.
Applications need to be made by an adult, teacher, parent or guardian. You may apply by sending the article, written in English, using an attachment in the Word file or similar, along with your cover letter where it should state:
– The name and age of the applicant
– The title of the article
– Name of applicant’s tutor/mentor
– Correspondence address
The entrance fee is £18 and can be made electronically to the Around the Globe Music & Arts bank account, which details will be sent to you upon the application.
Application to be sent to the AGMA Editor: editor.agpmf@gmail.com