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Newsletter September 2020 (2)

Updated: Sep 29, 2023


We are pleased to announce that this year, Around the Globe Music &

Arts will be hosting a new event   The 2020 Around the Globe Online Piano Competition open to Junior and Adult pianists of all nationalities, with no age restrictions.

The piano competition will consist of two rounds – in the First Round competitors will submit a short unedited pre-recorded performance which will be adjudicated by our panel of distinguished music Jurors. Only contestants who advance to the Second Round will send video/audio-visual files of their complete performance, which will be displayed on the Zoom online platform along with the Adjudicator’s live comments and the presentation of awards. In addition, all contestants will receive a Certificate of Performance Achievement.

The Second Round performances will be held from 10am – 5pm on the following dates:

Junior Pianists – Sunday 22nd November 2020

Junior Pianists – Sunday 29th November 2020

Adult Pianists – Sunday 6th December 2020

These exciting events will be open to independent viewers and supporters from all around the world!

Deadline for submission of applications Junior participants 2nd Nov 2020 Adult participants 16th Nov 2020

Notes for Entrants

How to enter?

To enter the First Round of The 2020 Around the Globe Online Piano Competitionyou will need to fill in the form, available online from the beginning of next month, this will include details of the entrance fees. After completing the form, to include your chosen category or class(es), you will be asked to send your entrance fee payment as well as your unedited audio visual file of only ONE of your preferred pieces from the overall programme, to the organisers at (larger files can be sent via WeTransfer)

Please note that all updates including the entry application will be available on our website no later then 12th October 2020.


Up-loadable file formats of your video/audio-visual files include MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI and FLV. Performance can be easily recorded on a smart phone, iPad, computer or other digital device. The quality of the sound and recording is important and poor-quality recordings may result in an application being disqualified.

Syllabus of 2020 AGOPC

Please be advised that last year’s AGPMF 2019 Syllabus will remain in use for the 2020 Around the Globe Online Piano Competition. This also includes the classical contemporary piano music programme, which remains unchanged and is available now on our website.

Which piano piece to choose for the First Round?

You can choose any piece or part of the larger piece/form (advanced) from your programme that is NO LONGER than:

(Beginners up to grade 3) 2 Minute

(Intermediate up to grade 5) 4 Minutes

(Early advanced up to grade 7) 5 Minutes

(Advanced, grade 8 and above) 8 Minutes

Which contestants will be invited to the Second Round?

Contestants whose video performance is marked 80 and above will be invited to the next round.

All entrants will be informed about the results of the First-Round in due course and will receive their marking sheets including comments.

About the Second Round

Contestants who advance to the Second Round will be notified as soon as possible about the date and time of their online displayed recorded performance. Following the invitation to the next round, contestants are expected to send video/audio-visual files of their performance of their chosen piano programme (for the class or classes they have entered) TEN days before the Second Round. These performances will be downloaded and displayed on the Zoom online platform on the day of the event. Contestants are expected to be present on Zoom on the day of the Second Round to hear Adjudicator’s comments, to receive marks and accept awards.

Please note that contestants who are invited to the Second Round and have entered to play only one piece of music will not need to send the video file again, unless they think they can significantly improve the result and overall performance.

Marking system

– Certificate of Performance Achievement 0-74

– Certificate of Performance Achievement with Merit 75-84

– Certificate of Performance Achievement with Distinction 85-94

– Certificate of Performance Achievement Outstanding 95-100

For further enquiries contact the organisers via email


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