Online music competitions - Apply here
Our 4th Young Musicologist Competition for Junior Musicians
We are excited to announce the Fourth Young Musicologist Competition 2024. Participants are required to submit a well-written article about modern composers and their piano works written after 1970, encompassing various contemporary classical and jazz styles.
About the Competition
The competition provides a distinctive chance for young musicians aged 18 or younger to demonstrate their analytical abilities and enhance their writing skills at an advanced educational level.
The candidates will be able to present their articles to distinguished musicians and music scholars who form the AGMA Jury Panel and gain acknowledgement for their skills as young musicologists. The article must be written in English.
Our Awards
We offer top awards, which include:
The publication of winning articles on our website and in the AGMA Newsletter for our subscribers.
Furthermore, outstanding creations have the opportunity to receive exclusive rewards, including vouchers from UK-based music shops or works and books authored by distinguished contemporary music composers.
Our Aim
The aim of this competition is to inspire and motivate young individuals to write about contemporary composers and their music, encompassing diverse musical cultures and a range of styles. It is intended to stimulate students' creativity and analytical and critical thinking, enhance observation skills, and broaden musical knowledge.
"If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Or, if proper usage gets in the way, it may have to go. I can't allow what we learned in English composition to disrupt the sound and rhythm of the narrative."
Elmore Leonard (American novelist)
Some things for you to know
To enter, you need to submit an article on the modern composers of different contemporary classical/jazz styles and their piano compositions written after 1970.
The article should be between 700 and 1200 words, including a bibliography, which length depends on the Age Category.
The article should contain information about: the composer, his piano opus, style and the epoch and creative history of the composition.
The article should give your personal view of the composition, including the reason behind your choice, its sentimental and creative value and technical challenges, and describe the interesting figurative aspect.
The applicants are encouraged to enhance their article presentations by incorporating multimedia elements such as images, music samples, as well as quotes.
When entering, your article should be presented in English language and sent along with your application in the Word or PDF file.
Applications need to be made by an adult, teacher, parent or guardian.
Writing Guidelines and Styles
By developing your voice and expressing an opinion, your story or idea will personalize the writing and highlight the uniqueness of your experiences. Inject your life into the writing as appropriate and search for a sense of place or narrative.
Use italics for titles of recordings (albums/cd’s), concerts, videos, books or other literature. The quotations should be used for composition, chapters, and article titles; punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. Write out the numbers nine and under in words and numbers that begin a sentence; otherwise, use numerals. Use numerals for decades, except at the beginning of a sentence. Use four digits for the first reference, with no apostrophe and then two digits with an initial apostrophe (e.g., the 1980s then ’80s).